1. What Club Penguin means for you?
For me, Club Penguin is all
about the kids who come and visit. It’s
amazing to see the igloos they make, the outfits they put together, the games
they create and the parties they throw.
I also really like the friendships formed and the way players will
welcome new penguins to the site, too.
2. What do you think about graphical and technical development of Club
Club Penguin has changed so
much over the last few years - it’s been really exciting to watch. What’s great is that many of the changes we
make are suggestions that have come from our players. It’s thanks to all our penguins
that Club Penguin is what it is today.
The parties get better and better, puffles have become more fun and
unusual, we have new games and of course Club Penguin is now available on
3. Had you been thinking at the beginning of your career that the game
becomes so popular?
I was pretty lucky in that
when I joined Club Penguin the game was already popular, but I’m always
surprised by the ways in which players use their imaginations to make their
time in Club Penguin so much fun. The ideas that players share with us are
4. Do you play Club Penguin in your free time?
Of course! And at work too J
5. How many employees works for Club Penguin?
Lots! There are hundreds of employees in
various locations around the globe.
6. What is your favorite mini-game and party on Club Penguin?
My favourite mini-game is definitely Card-Jitsu
Snow. It’s great to be able to work together with your fellow ninjas against a
common foe. You can pick your own style of battle and there’s a new experience
every time you play. I’m sure everyone’s got their own story about narrowly
escaping defeat and saving the day!
My favourite
party was the Marvel Superhero Takeover. The island’s new look was incredible;
there was an evil villain lair complete with circling sharks, and so many
awesome costumes! Plus finally reaching the top of the jumping mini-game
was immensely satisfying J
7. Do you prepare Club Penguin parties in advance? How long does it
It actually takes a really
long time to prepare for a new party in Club Penguin; even regular parties like
Halloween, Puffle or Medieval take time to put together. We tend to plan about a year ahead so we know
what parties will happen when. Each party then takes about 3-6 months to create
- from working out the story and any surprises, redecorating the rooms,
designing the costumes or any new gameplay.
8. How long does it take to make the Spoiler Alert?
We create these every week and
each one varies, but it’s always pretty hectic getting these finished and out
on time!
9. Who is the writer of the Club Penguin books? Who invents stories
about agents and who is the writer of Club Penguin Times?
We team up with book
publishers to create Club Penguin books and work with the writers they employ
to bring the stories and characters from Club Penguin to their pages.
Our own editorial team writes
the Club Penguin Times. They are very busy keeping up with all the news and sightings
from Club Penguin island.
10. How much work does it cost to make new language version of Club
Penguin? Do you plan to have it in Polish?
It’s a really big job making a
new language version of Club Penguin. It’s
not just the website and app that have to change but we also have to employ
moderators and customer service people who speak the language. There are no
plans at the moment for Club Penguin in Polish, but time and our evolving
technology certainly help to make local versions of Club Penguin easier.
11.What does your everyday work look like?
A day in the life of a
Moderator is a varied one! We have core responsibilities such as checking all
the names that penguins register (to make sure they’re safe for the site),
answering emails from players and parents, and going through every Report that
get sent by players. Our job is all about keeping players safe, and the Island
a fun and exciting place to hang out! We even get to play online ourselves so
that we’re up-to-date with new content.
12.Who works on Penguin Style How long does it take?
Our production team in
Kelowna, Canada looks this after the Penguin Style. The catalogue comes out
monthly, but we tend to plan each monthly theme 12 months ahead so we know what
we are going to be working on when.
13.Do you read fans’ blogs? Do you find them useful?
All of us at Club Penguin read
fan blogs, they are a really good way for us to learn what we are doing well
and also where we could do better. From
the posts bloggers write about, to the comments players leave, they give a
really good indication of what changes have been well received. Also if players
have spotted any bugs that need fixing we can get straight on them. Fan blogs
are very useful!
14.What nationality prevails among all the penguins on Club Penguin?
Wow, there are so
many players from all around the world! Over 190 countries and many
nationalities. The nationalities that prevail in Club Penguin tend to come from
the world’s largest countries so there are a lot of Penguins from North America
as well as from Latin American countries such as Brazil and Argentina.
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